Global Unification International (GUI) under its adopted constitutional Rules and Regulations is in the process of systematically developing its Internal Global Institutional Network infrastructure aligned under the African Union (AU) and the United Nations Millennium Development Programme for Africa Declaration (UNDP) which is briefly summarised as follows:
The GUI internal Pan-African network will be represented in the 53 countries that make up the African Union and countries within the African continent to work in direct collaboration with the GUI Internal Global Pan-African Diaspora network. The GUI Internal Global Pan-African Diaspora network is strategically located across Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean and the American Union.
GUI is building a Global Pan-African online social networking system; a platform which will allow GUI to conduct research and development to accurately evaluate and identify Pro-African civil society non-governmental institutions and organisations within the Diaspora (African’s Abroad), to contribute to the development of the African continent with either funding and/or resources.
The Global Pan-African online social networking system will be utilised by GUI’s Global Internal Network as a mechanism to amalgamate existing Pan-African organizations, as well as professionals and academic intellectuals for collaboration, partnership and solidarity for the development of the continent. Moreover it will consolidate and integrate the African Diaspora and non-Pan-African organizations and individuals into GUI’s 1 Voice 1 Action 1 Africa program to provide educational material that promotes the work of the African Union and its overall policies for the African continent and the African Diaspora.
Statistical research has projected, that with the Global Pan-African online social networking system in operation, the system will consolidate approximately three hundred and fifty million members within three years. Approximately fifty million of these members will consist of individuals and organisations from the African Diaspora and a further fifty million will be made up from non-Africans investing in Africa’s development programs. The remaining two hundred and fifty million members will be made up of citizens from countries within the African continent.
Statistical research has further projected that the monthly advertising revenues derived from the Global Pan-African online social networking system will be approximately forty million Euros, when compared with similarly structured online social networking organisations. In addition to advertising revenue, statistical research projects that a further one hundred billion Euros per annum will be transferred into the African economy in funding, investment and/or resources from the African and non-African Diaspora investing in Africa’s development programs.
The funding, resources and revenues derived from the Global Pan-African online social networking system, will be directed to the GUI Global Pan-African commission that will manage, administrate and distribute the funds proportionately to the African continent via GUI National Committees’ Micro Finance Commissions. The GUI Global Pan-African commission shall have an internal investment commission attached to its body that maintains and increases revenues via conservative blue-chip investment strategies.
The GUI National Micro Finance Commissions will, under GUI’s adopted constitutional rules and regulations, loan funds to existing small sized businesses as well as individuals seeking to develop small-business enterprises, with detailed business plans, that shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the commission for a specified interest free term.
Moreover statistical research projects that unemployment rates will be dramatically reduced and sustained, when funding is judicially allocated and utilised in regions and provinces that are in critical need, such as areas experiencing environmental crises, destabilised economies, displaced populations and impoverished rural communities.
These statistics do not take into consideration the ongoing benefits to individuals and organisations from the (GUI-ICT) Information Communication Technology (GUI-ICT) Capacity Development Resource Centres Program. GUI is developing National Committees in countries of the African continent to operate the (GUI-ICT) Centres program. This will include the establishment of an African head office and five regional head offices, strategically located in each of the five African sub-regions with established support from local governments, civil societies, governmental and non-governmental institutions to implement it’s overall strategy of creating 4000 (GUI-ICT) Capacity Development Resource Centres in Africa and African communities world wide.
With the support and logistics provided by local governments and civil society institutions, GUI will analyse the provided data and strategically locate the (GUI-ICT) Centres in regions that are most in need, applying the appropriate and necessary curriculum’s to meet the challenges within the selected regions.
(GUI-ICT) Capacity Development Resource Centres will host and co-ordinate the following programs:
1. the consolidation and co-ordination of the GUI internal infrastructure to connect with the global online Pan-African networks
2. the facilitation of educational programs and curriculum’s that enhance capacity building within the global ICT technology arena.
3. the facilitation of educational programs and entrepreneurial curriculum’s that empower individuals to integrate commercially within the global community.
4. the facilitation of educational programs and curriculum’s specifically designed from data provided by local governments and civil society institutions to meet the challenges of particular regions and their immediate needs.
5. the consolidation and integration of Pro Pan-African organisations and individuals into GUI’s “1 Voice 1 Action 1 Africa” Program to provide educational materials that promote the work of the African Union and its overall policies for Africa. All information will be translated where necessary for local consumption, as well as audio and visual presentations for the illiterate.
6. the introduction of GUI’s 1 Voice 1 Action 1 Africa program to
organisations, civil society institutions and individuals unaware of the
Global Pan-African movement and the ideals and policies of the
African Union for Africa and the Diaspora.
(GUI-ICT) Capacity Development Resource Centres will provide the following administrative services:
1. Internet and e-mail access.
2. Postal Delivery Services.
3. Web Designing and Desktop Publishing.
4. the facilitation and co-ordination of GUI Programs.
5. Communication Services including free VOIP Systems and Webcam facilities.
6. Secretarial Services (Typing, Dictation, Business Plan Development).
7. Translation Services - Languages including French, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese and English.
8. Facsimile Service.
9. Photocopying, Scanning and Printing Services.
10. Document Finishing (Binding, Laminating, Stapling etc.).
11. the facilitation of Educational Training Facilities.
(GUI- ICT) Capacity Development Resource Centres will perform and provide the following functions and services to national and local governments and civil society institutions:
1. conflict management.
2. the mobilisation of volunteers.
3. conducting domestic and transnational research analysis.
4. conducting domestic and transnational awareness programs.
5. policy research and development.
6. political lobbying and public relations.
7. institutional infrastructure development.
8. corporate governance, processes and procedures.
9. sustainable development education (industrial, economic, environmental and social).
10. network infrastructure development and systems management.
11. emerging markets: entry and development.
12. community economic and infrastructural development
13. online business solutions and e-commerce
14. information and communication technology for community development
15. the development of organisational infrastructures and leadership skills.
Global Unification International (GUI) registered and incorporated in Australia. ACN: 110 964 460.
GUI has incorporated registered subsidiary associations in the following countries;
Finland, Nepal, Israel, Afghanistan, Cameroon, Haiti, Liberia, Gambia, Sierra Loene, Niger, Tanzania, Zambia, Mali, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Togo, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mauritania, Guinea, Republic of the Congo, Mozambique, Chad, Burkina Faso, Sudan, Morocco, Cape Verde, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya,Benin and Nigeria
Incorporations in progress: China, Libya, Philippines, Kazakhstan, Jamaica, Anguilla, Dominica, Dominical Republic, Barbados, Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Seychelles, Angola, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Venezuelan, Uruguay, Botswana, Djibouti, Swaziland, Eq.Guinea, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Egypt, Namibia, Rwanda, Comoros, Guinea Bissau, Sao Tome, Algeria, Eritrea, Tunisia, Madagascar, Uganda, Mauritius, Western Sahara, Malawi, South Africa, Lesotho, Burundi and Romania.
GUI’s policy is that Africa’s best interests will only be truly served when privatised organisations contributing sponsorship, funding and/or resources, are engaged at strategic points within GUI’s development in order to negotiate favourable terms and conditions.