by BI Yantao, China
China is at a critical intersection. As a communication researcher, I am sure it is the high time to stand up and take whatever responsibility I can.
To a great extent, China's future will be shaped by its civil society. But what is the true situations China's civil society is trapped in? What are their hardships and expectations? What roles and functions should the civil society perform in China's development? How should China's current policies regarding the civil society be redesigned to ensure China's sustainable development?
To answer these questions, I am planning an independent research project from the perspective of political communication. My hypothesis is that China's civil society will grow at a greater pace in the near future, and that a stronger civil society will definitely speed up China's transition. I was hoping to travel around China to interview activists, academics, newsworkers and politicians, focusing on China's policies regarding NGOs, religion, minorities, news media, etc. , and on the interactions between the political society and the civil society in China.
If everything goes well, my project will start before this Chinese New Year. I am ready to take any unavoidable risk.
If you are interested in this project, if you are hoping to join us in any possible form , if you are willing to offer me any kind of assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me via