Friday, November 14, 2008

Why I Joined Global Voices Team?

by BI Yantao, China

I became a contributing author of Global Voices Online November 12, 2008 (GV localized time), and I feel good about it.

Currently, Global Voices (GV) has 104 contributing authors, from across the world. My search reveals only a few of them are from Greater China. I feel puzzled. China is the No. 1 in terms of population, and English teaching is a prosperous industry in China, but why are there only a few Chinese people writing for GV?

I believe one of the reasons is writing for GV yields no income. Most of the authors are volunteers, except the regional editors. As a PhD candidate, I don't receive any salary at the moment, but I feel satisfied with writing in English. I get many benefits from it, except money.

Here is my page at Global Voices Online: